Star Gazing Hammock Camp

Mlendeni Sitole will tell you his stories of the night skies

General Information

Mlendeni has built a star gazing hammock camp for you to relax and observe the heavens and listen to the night sounds. He makes you feel like you have never seen the night sky before when you go stargazing at Antbear Lodge. The Milky Way arcs over you like a giant swathe of smoke – reminiscent of the African tale of its origins where a strong-willed girl who became so angry when her mother would not give her any of a delicious roasted root that she grabbed the roasting roots from the fire and threw the roots and ashes into the sky, where the red and white roots now glow as red and white stars, and the ashes are the Milky Way.

The Star Gazing Experience

This is a star gazing experience that is different. Sure he will point out some of the major constellations of the southern skies but its the traditional Zulu stories of myths and legends that really engage. About how the sky became so high and how the moon and the sun got into the sky.

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